Taxonomic Classification
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Molluska
Class: Gastropoda
Order: Pulmonata
Family: Vitrinidae
Genus: Vitrina
Species: Vitrina angelicae
Eukarya: Eukaryotes are
characterized by a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
Animalia: Organisms are multicellular and
Molluska: Organisms are soft-bodied
coelomates (meaning they have a fluid-filled cavity that
develops within the mesoderm) with a mantle, foot and visceral
mass. For many, the mantle secretes a calcium carbonate shell.
Gastropoda: Gastropods are distinguished
by torsion, a 180˚
twisting of visceral mass. They also have
the ability to withdraw their bodies into the shell and cover
the opening with an operculum.
Pulmonata: Characterized by having eyes at the
tip of the tentacles and a mantle that functions as a lung,
which opens to the outside via a pneumostome.
Vitrinidae: Snails of this family have shells
that are glassy in appearance.
Vitrina: Terrestrial snails that are smaller in