
Planorbella campanulata is found in lakes and ponds of all sizes and all substrates (rock soils, gravel, and on almost on any freshwater bottom) (O'Neil 2006).  It is usually almost always found in or near vegetation as well (O'Neil 2006).   Planorbella likes a firm mud bottom lake, with high amounts of decaying vegetation on the bottom of the habitat (Perez 2004).   They also are most readily found in lakes with slow moving or not moving waters (Perez 2004).   When looking for Planorbella campanulata in their natural habitat some defining characteristics are the redish brown or blackish color of its foot and slow moving nature (Prescott 2004).   Its shell has four whorls going in a counter clockwise motion (Winslow 1926).  In general Planorbidae snails are found in water less than 15 feet in depth, and most large groups of snails in this species are found in water depths of less than six feet (Baker 1945).

The geographic region where Planorbella campanulata can be found is from Vermont west to the North Dakota area south to Illinois and Ohio and north to the Great Slave Lake in Canada (Pyron 2009). The family Planorbidae has no altitude restrictions throughout the world and most Planorbidae snails are found in lakes (Baker 1945).

Learn about the nutrition of Planorbella campanulata.

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