Neohelix solemi (Coastal Whitelip)



Scientific Name: Neohelix solemi
Common Name: Coastal Whitelip


The classification of Neohelix solemi is as follows:

 Domain: Eukarya

      Kingdom: Animalia

          Phylum: Mollusca

              Class: Gastropoda

                  Order: Stylommatophora

                      Family: Polygyridae

                          Genus: Neohelix

                              Species: Neohelix solemi


Eukarya: Members have cells consisting of a true nucleus, containing DNA and membrane bound (Biology Online, 2008).

Animalia: Members are multicellular and heterotrophs (Animal Diversity Web, 2012).

Mollusca: Mollusca by definition means soft bodied and this phylum contains an abundance of soft bodied invertebrates usually embodied by a calcium carbonate shell (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012).

Gastropoda: Gastropoda comes from Latin roots and when broken down "gaster" means stomach and "podos" means foot, therefore they are stomach-foot (Hickman et al., 2012). The main difference that distinguishes gastropods from other classes within the phylum Mollusca is their ability of torsion, which is the 180° twisting of the visceral mass, bringing the anus and mouth closer together (Hickman et al., 2012).

Stylommatophora: Members possess two pairs of tentacles, which are able to be enclosed.  The eyes are located on the tip of the anterior tentacles (Encyclopedia of Life, 2012).

Polygyridae: Members of this group of land-snails are commonly found in eastern North America and are distinguished from other gastropods by many functions. Some of these include the absence of a love dart used in reproduction of some snails, the muscles that allow the eyes and pharynx to be withdrawn are joined together, and the jaws are ribbed (Encyclopedia of Life, 2012).

Neohelix: The shells of the genus Neohelix are similar to those of the genus Mesodon (Encyclopedia of Life, 2012).  However, Neohelix usually has a completely closed umbilicus and Mesodon has a partially closed umbilicus.  Umbilicus refers to a depression at the center of the shell whorls (Snail's Tales, 2006).

Neohelix solemi: Members possess a white lip and are located on the eastern coast of the United States, hence the common name Coastal Whitelip.  The Latin prefix neo- means "new" and the suffix -helix means "spiral."  The name "solemi" originates from the individual who most recently named the snail  (Discover Life, 2012).


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