
It was found that for Millerelix simpsoni there is little information about the specific mechanisms on its reproduction. However, this species is a terrestrial, pulmonate snail and therefore one can get a general idea of its reproduction based on the how pulmonate snails reproduce. Moreover, reproduction for pulmonates occur only when environmental conditions are favorable (Leonard, 1959). Unlike other gastropods seen pulmonates are monoecious, meaning that Millerelix simpsoni has both female and male sex organs (Thorp and Covich, 2010; Hickman et al. 2012). The male sex organs that are present include: duetus deferens and the penis (Leonard, 1959). While the female sex organs are the albumen gland, oviduct or uterus, vagina and spermatheca (Leonard, 1959). An ovotestis and hermaphroditic duct are also present in the snail, independent of its sex (Leonard, 1959).  With hermaphrodites, some organisms self-fertilize their own eggs (Thorp and Covich, 2010). However, according to Bryon Leonard this process of self-fertilization is not common in these terrestrial snails (1959).  

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Continuing onto the mechanisms of the reproductive system, eggs can be released from the snail through the hermaphroditic duct (Thorp and Covich, 2010). At this point, the still unfertilized egg will receive nutrients and protein from the albumen gland (Thorp and Covich, 2010). Next, the sperm will fertilize the egg, which is located between the hermaphroditic duct and oviduct (Thorp and Covich, 2010). According to Byron Leonard, a unique feature about the snail’s reproductive system is that several snails are unable to fertilize eggs using their own sperm (1959). Essentially, they have built up a resistance to their genetically inherited sperm (Leonard, 1959). Based on the facts that most pulmonates do not practice or in some cases not capable of self-fertilization, one can assume that Millerelix simpsoni also does not self-fertilize.  This being stated, other snail then fertilizes the eggs. These eggs will be secreted by the oviduct and then laid to various types of grasses or rocks (Thorp and Covich, 2010). Another feature about pulmonates are that they go through a direct lifecycle (Hickman et al. 2012). In other words, the snail does not have any larva stages. It goes from an egg to a juvenile snail and finally to an adult snail. With direct lifecycles, the organism’s morphology does not change however, the organism will likely increase in size (Hickman et al. 2012).

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