Inflectarius edentatus

This website was created by Laura Meinhardt and Kayla Berger in an Animal Biology course at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, with the purpose of providing information regarding the snail Inflectarius edentatus.

What's so fascinating about snails anyway? Most of you probably associate snails as slow-moving, boring creatures. In reality, there is much more to snails, and Inflectarius edentatus specifically, that make them interesting. To learn more, keep reading!

On this website you will find the classification, habitat, adaptation, nutrition and reproduction habits of Inflectarius edentatus. However, because there is still very little known about Inflectarius edentatus, much of the research on our website will be regarding the broader Class Gastropoda as well as the Subclass Pulmonata. Our website also contains numerous pictures of snails closely related to Inflectarius edentatus within the Genus Inflectarius.



 For more information regarding Wisconsin land snails please feel free to visit UWL's Multiple Organisms website and the Wisconsin Land Snails website.


Let's classify!