
Scientific Name: Bombus ternarius
Common Name: Tricolored Bumblebee

Origin of Common Name
The common name for this insect comes from its unique coloration.  Unlike most bumblebees that only have black and yellow bands, the tricolored bumblebee has an orange band around its abdomen that distinguishes it from other species. 
Latin Origins
The family and subfamily names come from the Latin ‘Apis’ meaning bee.  The genus name, ‘Bombus’ means buzzing in Latin, and ‘Ternarius’ comes from the Latin word meaning three parts. 

Domain: Eukarya
Bombus ternarius is classified as a eukaryote because it has a true nucleus and organelles bound in a nuclear membrane. 
Kingdom: Animalia
B. ternarius is also classified in the kingdom animalia.  This is because it shares unifying features with other animals such as being heterotrophic, relying on other organisms for food, and having a multicellular body.  B. ternarius is made of many cells, but these cells have become specialized into tissues and also into more complex organs and organ systems.  The cells in these organs have developed to perform specific functions necessary for the survival of the animal. 
Phylum: Arthropoda
The phylum arthropoda has many defining characteristics, all of which can be seen in B. ternarius.  First, all arthropods have paired, jointed appendages.  They also have segmented bodies.  Aside from these two characteristics, all arthropods have an exoskeleton composed of chitin, a tough outer shell that protects them from the outside world.
Class: Insecta
The tricolored bumblebee is classified as an insect because it has 3 pairs of jointed legs, an exoskeleton, compound eyes, antenna, and a body that is divided into three sections, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.  Insects are the most diverse and successful group of animals on the planet today, with over 200 million insects for each human alive.  Their great success and diversity can be attributed to the many forms and functions that their exoskeleton can take on, making it possible for them to survive in almost any habitat on the planet. 
Order: Hymenoptera
Bees, along with ants, sawflies, and wasps, are classified as hymenoptera because of their wings.  ‘hymen’ is derived from ancient Greek word for membrane and ‘pteron’ comes from the word for wing.  Hymenoptera have two pairs of wings and also have well developed mandibles and a proboscis that they can use to get to the nectar that nourishes them. 
Family: Apidae
The tricolored bumblebee is a part of the family apidae along with many other bees including honey bees, carpenter bees, orchid bees, stingless bees, cuckoo bees, and all other bumble bees.  Bees are well known for their role in pollinating and creating honey and beeswax.
Genus: Bombus
The tricolored bumblebee can be classified in the genus Bombus because of the long setae (fuzz) on their body along with the bands of color along their body.  Typically these bands are black and yellow but some species have red or orange on their body.  Bombus can best be separated from other fuzzy bees by the form of the female hind leg.  It has a smooth section and a ring of fur for carrying pollen.
Species: Bombus ternarius
The tricolored bumblebee can be classified as Bombus ternarius because of its three pairs of jointed legs, exoskeleton, paired membranous wings, fuzzy body, legs for carrying pollen, and an orange stripe on their abdomen. 
