
Amphinemura nymphs are unique because they are broad in shape, bristly in texture and other covering, have divergent wing pads and possess cervical gills that allow them to live in aquatic habitats (Baumann 1975). The nymphs are distinguishable because they have three lobed paraprocts (Riley 1996), which are segments near the anus, that have prongs or spines most likely used to sense their environment (Baumann 1975).

The movement of the adults is based around flying short distances with their wings or walking with their segmented legs. Labial palpi in the adult forms are used to find food and larger than usual papal segments help sense the environment around them. Wide maxillae and mandibles are are used to chew plants that serve as one of their main sources of food. Long antennae that are at least half the length of their body also help to sense their aquatic and terrestrial environments (Baumann 1975).