The species Hyphantria cunea reside from southern
Canada to northern Mexico.
This organism was then introduced in Yugoslavia in 1940 and
has spread throughout Europe since. Larva webworms spin a
web-like tent on the branches of hardwood trees such as apple
and birch. The tents cause no harm to the trees, and the webworm
uses a silk zip-line to move to a new tree. These tents provide
safety as they enclose the larva while they feed, hence the name
Fall Webworm.
Ecological Niche
Larva are used as primary hosts for their predator the
Ichneumon wasp. The wasp obtains a Fall Webworm, and penetrates
it's epidermis with their ovipositor. Proceeding this step, the
wasp deposits it's eggs inside the webworm while the worm is
still alive. The worm lives until it is eaten from the inside
out by these wasp larva.
Adult Fall Webworms share a common environment with many
other organisms as well. They aide in the reproduction cycle by being
primary pollinators of specific flowering plants. They are also
a primary food source of nocturnal and diurnal predators, such
as bats, and swallows.
During warm weather you can usually find these species on your typical
bug zapper.