U.S Fish and Wildlife Services


Douglas, M.B. 1986. The digestive strategy and efficiency of the west indian manatee, Trichechus manatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 85:139-142.

Flewelling L.J., J.P. Naar, J.P Abbott, D.G. Baden and N.B. Barros. 2005. Brevetoxicosis: red tides and marine mammal mortalities. Nature 435:755-756

Garcia-Rodriguez, A.I., B.W. Bowen, D.Domning and A.A. Mingucci-Giannoni. 1998. Phylogeography of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus): how many populations and how many taxa? Molecular Ecology 7:1137-1149.

Lin Y., M. Risk, S.M. Ray, D.V. Engen, J. Clardy, J. Golilk, J.C. James and K. Nakanishi. 1981. Isolation and structure of brevetoxin from the "red tide" dinoflagellates. Journal of the American Chemical Society 103:6773-6775.

Mignucci-Giannoni, A.A. and C.A. Beck. 2006 The diet of manatee (Trichechus manatus) in Puerto Rico. Marine Mammal Science 14:394-397

Nowacek, S.M., R.S. Wells, E.C. Owen, and T.R Speakman. 2004. Florida manatees, Trichechus manatus, respond to approaching vessels. Biological Conservation 119:517-523.

Olivera-Gomez, D. 2000.Distribution and habitat use by manatee(Trichechus manatus) in Belize and Chetumal Bay, Mexico. Biological Conservation 95:67-75.

Sorice M.G., C.S. Shafer, and D. Scott. 2003. Managing endangered species with the use/preservation paradox: understanding and defining harassment of the west indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). Costal Management 31:319-338.

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