Skill |
Student Techniques |
In Class Techniques |
Note Taking
- Re-write their notes from class (not just re-copy – summarize points in their own words)
- Leave space in notes to add comments from the text
- Swap notes
- Take notes on discussion, not just copying the board
- Review examples of good notes
- Record only important information
- Create Note Cards with Main Ideas
- Take Notes From Class Discussions
- Tape Record with Permission
- Focus on Concepts vs. Details
- Make 1st exposure to material "student alone" (points-based as an incentive)
- Invite prof to give a lecture
- Give out diagrams used in class for note-taking
- Have students practice drawing diagrams
- Collect/grade notes throughout year
- Students exchange notes
- Summarize key points at the end of class and have students compare with notes
- Cue students what to write while lecturing
- Hand out a note taking guide
- Give high school students exposure to a college lecture
- Offer a course that promotes these skills at the freshman level
- Outline lecture on board
- Have students paraphrase definitions, techniques, methods, etc. orally or in writing
- Grade notes for points
Study Skills
- Define a process: e.g., note-taking; re-copy while consulting text; consult instructor with questions
- A picture's worth 1000 words, make a mental image of concept
- Get help if needed
- Log your actual study time
- Bring questions to class
- Do homework problems
- Choose effective environment for study
- Prepare in advance for class; read ahead,
- Review notes at night
- Write journal questions about concept topics
- Complete homework
- Avoid cramming the night before
- Read, Read, Read
- Summarize Text in Own Words
- Compare Text to Notes
- Study in Groups (Each person asks questions from their notes, while others' notes are closed.)
- Chaining Effect (Reread notes from beginning to end of unit before and after class.)
- Go to Class!
- Sit in the front of the class
- Make use of other resources and sources of information (tutoring, textbook, websites, parents)
- Have students determine their learning styles
(see p.55/59/75 of Keys book)
- Set clear objectives for students
- Set rules for study groups to prevent them from becoming social/griping sessions
- Have students bring questions to class.
- Institute a resource period or study hall to give students time to study.
- Vocabulary quiz
- Pop Quizzes
- Encourage group study with set rules/objectives for group study
- Do a "Getting to Know Your Textbook" activity
- Remind students of other resources and classroom references
Time Management Skills
- Prepare weekly work schedule and check off as things are completed
- Schedule "pal" studying
- Learn to multi-task
- Set short and long term goals and link them
- Go to bed before midnight
- Maintain a time chart
- In college 1 credit=2-4 hours of study out of class
- Avoid distractions (TV, web surfing, bars, telephone, etc.)
- Don't procrastinate
- Students write down assignments/due dates
- Prioritize (You may have to limit involvement in extra curricular activities.)
- Spread out studying—don't cram. Study 1 hour/night for 5 nights instead of 5 hours on Sunday
- Use "Dead Time" between classes to look at notes, etc.
- Serve as a role model for time management skills
- Schedule of events on board, detailed weekly syllabus for students
- Hand out/announce due dates, test dates, etc. as much as advance as possible
- Set clear objectives for students
- Determine tuition per hour ($12/hour of class)
- Don't accept late assignments
- Require students use planners
- Collect time charts
- Create Timelines for Projects
- Communicate Expectations (ex. "It took me 3 ½ hours to write this test. Think about how long you need to be studying for it. etc.)
Learning vs. Studying
- Learn the concept (don't memorize, but try to understand)
- Work on listening skills
- Goal: students should recognize classroom concepts in daily life
- Cover fewer topics but in greater depth (not "rollerskating through the Louvre")
- Have students restate the directions (develops listening skills)
- Go thru exam with teacher if you are unhappy with the result: what did I do wrong (didn't learn, studied poorly, etc.)
- Delegate classroom mgt. tasks to students
- Force students to make decisions and to suffer the consequences of incorrect decisions
- Teach persistence
- Create a "What did I miss?" board
Communicating subject matter
- Write short explanation of how a problem is solved
- Write questions concerning subject matter
- Be a good listener while others are talking
- Share ideas
- Come to informed decisions
- Communicate effectively
- Poster
- Geometric construction
- Letter writing
- Structure small group interactions
- Require oral presentations with group involvement
Test Taking and Preparation
- Organize all test materials
- Review all material
- Re-write notes
- Read assignments
- Re-issue problems with new numbers
- Quizzes before tests
- Pre-test
- Require notebook/binder to organize materials
Reading subject matter
- Read section ahead
- Highlight key points
- Outline a section
- Collect outline
- Have students write about key points from a reading assignment
Math-Specific Skills
- DON'T use the answer guide
- Make up your own problems (in addition to the examples given); make up problems for each other
- Use correct notation in homework
- 2-column proof
- Require multiple representations (graph & verbal description & written description of same problem)
- Avoid overuse of calculators
- Instruction in proper notation (especially "=")
- 2-column proof
Science-Specific Skills
It would be nice if they came to college knowing:
- Algebra/math/dimensional analysis
- Being able to relate to applied situations
- Higher level problem solving
- Computations (Basic Math Skills: Addition, Subtraction, Percentages, Ratios, etc.)
- Safety
- Measurement Skills/Lab Skills
- Interpreting Graphs/Creating Graphs
- Writing
- Technical Proficiency
- Data
- Analysis/Collection
- Dimensional Analysis
- Scientific Notation
- Metric System
- Lab Practicals (if practical)
- Less busy work and more meaningful work
- Methods to problem solving using a disciplined and systematic approach
- Criticism of peer writing
- Have students collect, analyze, and interpret data and use it to draw conclusions
- Whiteboard presentations to be used by students
- Model safety
- Demonstrate first use of all equipment
- Require lab notebook and lab reports