
Although G. Cancriformis preys on other organisms, it is many times prey for others. The eggs are frequently attacked by predators, usually being Phalacrotophora epeirae and occasionally Arachnophago ferruginea (Muma and Stone 1971). Also, birds can be predators. The spiders avoid destructing their old nests because birds use them as a visual key.

G. cancriformis is a predatory organism, feeding on other insects like beetles, fruit flies, moths, and whiteflies. Females use their complex web to capture and trap their prey. She sits in the middle of the web facedown, and as the prey approaches the web, the female quickly moves toward the victim and wraps it in silk. She then bites it, emitting poison to paralyze it, and eats the insides of the organism.

Because of their location of inhabitance, these spiders frequently come in contact with them. Humans have been bitten by this spider; it doesn‘t feel great, but it is in no way harmful to the human that is bitten.