Celebrity Endorser

Hola. Hej. Алло. Salut. Oi. Hello, from the widespread range of the Typha latifolia plant. My name is Kendra and I am the artisan of this webpage! As an assignment for an Organismal Biology class, we chose an organism to create a page on. Why did I choose the common cattail, Typha latifolia? I love being outdoors. I grew up with a creek and swampy area in my backyard. I would always go down near the water to find cattails because I LOVED to pull them apart. The velvet on the outside does not even compare to the softness inside. I’m sure I did my fair share of spreading this already invasive and weedy plant, because I was actually pulling out and spreading the seeds!



Although my wetland adventures are over, I still enjoy being outside. I’m not too excited about our long winters in Wisconsin, but I enjoy skiing and that makes it seems like a shorter season. I like to be outside as much as possible during the summer to make up for the bitter winters. I enjoy waterskiing, gymnastics, tennis, biking and the occasional run. As a student, I currently go to University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. I am majoring in biomedical sciences with a pre-med emphasis and minors in French and chemistry. I love speaking different languages, and I cannot wait to study abroad in France and learn a new lifestyle. I hope to do as much traveling as possible while I’m still young, and I can’t wait to see what life brings!



Right: my family at the Mayan Ruins of Chichen Itza, Mexico.

 Left: my Mother and I at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.





Please direct questions or comments to: hutchins.kend@students.uwlax.edu.

Don’t forget to take a look at my mates’ pages at http://www.multipleorganisms.net!


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