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Borror, Donald J. and White, Richard E. (1998). A field guide to the insects. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Cain, Michael. (1987). Prey capture behavior and diel movement of Brachynemurus (Neuroptera:Myrmeleontidae) antlion larvae in south central Florida. Florida Entomologist 70(3). Retrieved from

CSIRO (2010). Accessed April 17.

Kritsky, Gene. (2006). Featured insect antlion larva. American Entomologist 52(1). Accessed April 17 2010.

Oldroyd, Harold. (1962). Insects and their world. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Peterson, Alvah. (1951). Larvae of insects; an introduction to the neartric species part II. Edwards Brothers, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

Richards, O.W. And Davies, R.G. (1977). Imms' general textbook of entomology vol. 2. Chapman and Hall, New York, New York, USA.

Scharf, Inon and Filin, Ido. (2009). A morphological and life history comparison between desert populations of a sit-and-pursue antlion, in reference to a co-occurring pit-building antlion. Naturwissenschaften. Retrieved from

Stange, Lionel A. (1994). Reclassification of the new world antlion genera formerly included in the tribe Brachynemurini. Retrieved from

Swain, Ralph B. (1948). The insect guide. The Country Life Press, Garden City, New York, USA.

Swanson, Mark. (2009). Reproductive behavior. Retrieved from

About me:

My name is Evan Ragland and I am a Cellular Biology major at UW La Crosse. I spend a lot of time with computers and technology in general. I am originally from Madison and will most likely end up with a career in laboratory research. I made this website for Organismal Biology. I chose Brachynemurus nebulosus because burrowing insects have always interested me. You may get into contact with me by the email address,

Evan Ragland