Contact Me

My name is Tiffany Terp and I am currently a junior at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. I am majoring in Biology with a concentration in biomedical science. Currently, I am taking Biology 203 and as a requirement for the class we had to research an organism within our area and create a web page about it.

I chose to learn more about the deer tick because living in Wisconsin, the risk of obtaining Lyme Disease is high. I thought it would be beneficial to learn more about their feeding rituals hoping the awareness would help decrease my chances of coming in contact with Lyme Disease infected deer ticks. I also hope to spread the information on to other about how to avoid deer ticks.

If you have any suggestions, questions, or comment please feel free to contact me at


I also want to thank all of the different organizations and references for allowing me to use their pictures and information to enhance my web page.


If you are interested in looking at more organisms and the hard work done by some of my classmates please go to


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