
It gets its food through photosynthesis and through sucking nutrients through the roots. Ginseng stores its food and nutrients in the roots. The plant contains venation used for spreading water and nutrients throughout the plant using Phloem and Xylem plant tissues. It needs moist soil and Ginseng cannot be in a place that is too sunny. Ginseng has to have enough shade in order to do photosynthesis. It usually stays in cool places that are about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. As any plant it requires Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur as nutrients and it grows in slightly acidic soil with an acidity of 5.6 to 5.8. It does not grow in alkaline soil (basic soil)(19).

Photo By Eric Burkhart 

 Used with permission from Hardings Ginseng Farm

Ginseng does not require a host but it is a host for several bacteria and fungi species. Bacillus megaterium, Micrococcus luteus, B. cereus, Apergillus fumigatus, and Lysinibacillus fusiformis are known bacteria that live within ginseng roots and help it obtain nutrients. It also uses fungi which have hyphae (fungi cells that extend outward into the ground) to obtain water and nutrients (18).

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