Photo: Australian National Botanic Gardens


The tree's evergreen leaves are filled with chlorophyll for photosynthesis.

Eucalypts, naturally, are plants and therefore manufacture their own carbohydrate food sources by photosynthesis.  However, as E. dives prefers environments with poorer, stonier soil, this organism has adaptations that allow it to meet its nutritive needs.  By forming mycorrhizal relationships with fungi in its roots, for example, the plant is able to draw in additional nutrients from the soil.  Tough The tough, fibrous bark of Eucalyptus dives helps the tree retain moisture.bark is a trademark of the eucalyptus trees, and this helps the broad leaf peppermint retain moisture; interestingly, one study suggests that E. dives generally grows more conservatively when water and resources are abundant than does another species in the same area, E. mannifera (Austin et. al., 2009).  This plant is vascular, meaning that it possesses tissues for internal transport of water (xylem) and food (phloem). 


Photos: (above and left) Ormay, P. Australian National Botanic Gardens; (below) Donna Zoll

Sap from this tree carries photosynthesized carbohydrates and other nutrients to other parts of the plant, but other organisms may feed on the sap, as well.  Energy storage in plants most often takes the form of starch, a complex carbohydrate allocated to various parts of the plant.

Dif further and learn about the eucalypts' Interactions with other organisms.



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