Zingiber officinale
Chelsey Rodger
Bio 203: University of Wisconsin- La Crosse
Ginger and Bananas are related?? They are actually located in the same family!
Ginger dates all the way back to 400 B.C in China
Today ginger, in different countries, is used as a condiment and served with meals. Three specific examples are the chutneys served with almost everything in India, the candied ginger served with after-dinner cheese in Latin America, and the pickled ginger root served with sushi in Japan.
Ginger cookies were originally a digestive biscuit intended to bring relief to those who had eaten too much.
The Greeks and Romans used a lot of ginger, which is said to have come from India via Arabia by way of the Red Sea. The plant appears in European records dating to the 11th century, as it was among the heavily taxed spices on which the nobility made a few bucks.
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