Phidippus audax is a very complex organism and is very
skilled at hunting. A couple of its main targets are
insects and
other spiders. But it can’t possibly get through life without
being attacked and killed by a few things that think this spider
is a tasty treat. Some of the predators that Phidippus audax has
to be aware of are mostly amphibians such as toads, frogs, and
salamanders. Also, much like other spiders,
this spider has to be aware of
birds that are much bigger than
they are.
Interestingly, there are a few insects that Phidippus
audax is no match for such as beetles, and centipedes. Here is a
table of a few of Phidippus audax’s predators and prey. Also,
there is a list of places that this spider calls home.
There is not much relation to humans besides the help that the
spider provides to keep the insect population at a minimum. As
much as humans are afraid of spiders (maybe we should be reading
about this one) they actually do reduce the insect population
tremendously. Phidippus audax, along with the other species in
the salticidae family, rarely enter homes. When they do they are
just hunting their prey, which includes your household pests.
So, actually you should be thanking these guys for making a
surprise visit in your house if you find them. Unlikely, but
possible, is the occasional spider bite that will leave nothing
more than a welt. This most likely occurs because the spider was
disturbed in some kind of way.
All of my references for this information can be found