
Once the spiders emerge from their egg sacs, they quickly disperse to avoid cannibalism and spin an orb of their own (Pascoe 1980). One of the greatest influences on this arachnid's nutrition is its web. There seems to be a definite correlation between the orb-weaver's body size and the size of its orb. As the spiders grow larger they tended to build larger webs with smaller radii and show an increase in the types of silk used as well as in the overall toughness of the spiral thread. It is this spiral thread that is used to capture their prey. Reaching adulthood and maximizing the numbers of female orb-weaver spiders is highly dependent upon how well the Neoscona oaxacensis utilizes the rare large prey that fall into their webs (Sensenig, et al. 2011).

The Neoscona oaxacensis's body size increases the most during ontogeny. This growth from the fertilized egg to the mature form comes along with big shifts in their foraging strategies and food sources that reflect the cost and benefits of being a bigger strong spider (Sensenig, et al. 2011). This idea of shifting food sources may seem a little more foreign to you than it actually is. The metamorphosis of amphibians into the adult frog, toad, salamander, etc. is accompanied with the change from a herbivorous to a carnivorous diet. I encourage you to learn more about some of the amphibians from our database linked on the home page or follow one of the following two

About the Spring peeper frog:                     Pseudacris crucifer

Or the American bullfrog:                              Rana catesbeiana

If you really think about it, spiders are among the most dominant terrestrial predators. This species of Neoscona is known for taking its captured prey into its hub, where it takes roughly two hours to completely digest and intake. Araneids puncture the body of the insect with their fangs feeding by alternating the injection of digestive fluid and sucking up the digested tissues until there is only an empty exoskeleton.  This will usually be dropped off their webs later. Araneid spiders normally do not physically damage the external cuticle of the prey however the weak jaws of the araneid will usually destroy the exoskeletons of smaller insects (Pascoe 1980). This species also uses a form of deceptive coloration to lure in prey at night. The spider’s ventral spot seemed to be what was the attracting factor. When the spot was painted there was a large decrease in the amount of prey captured (Chih-Yuan, et al. 2008).

                                                                                            Neoscona typically target: (Pascoe 1980)

                       Coleóptera- beetles and earwigs

       Ex: The diving beetle: Dytiscus dauricus 

                                Lepidoptera- moths

                                 Diptera- true flies

                       Hymenoptera- wasps, ants, bees

 Ex: The black and yellow mud dauber: Sceliphron caementarium    


Follow the following link to learn about the reproduction of the organism:
