Dead Man's Fingers

Courtesy of Dr. Volk

About the Author


Hello visitors. My name is Douglas Meyer, and  I am currently a senior at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL). I am on my last year of my undergraduate studies and will be graduating in May 2013 with a major in biology with a biomedical concentration, along with a minor in chemistry and mathematics. I have submitted my secondary applications to two colleges of osteopathic medicine, hoping to become a doctor of osteopathic medicine specializing in family medicine.

Although school consists of a large part of my life at the time being, I have many outside interests and time investments. I am currently a student leader of a Christian ministry known as Cru. Five other students and I together lead a Bible study each week for international students to come and learn about God and the Bible. Along with the Bible study, we try to befriend many international students on campus, enjoying learning about their cultures, helping them where we can, eating food together, and doing many other activities with our international friends. As my leadership role in Cru implies, my faith in Jesus Christ is the most important thing in my life. I am filled with life when I talk to my Lord in prayer or read the Bible and, therefore, enjoy spending time doing both of these things. I also enjoy playing pickup games of any sport and talking to people about life.

You are probably wondering why I made this website in the first place. This website was an assignment for my UWL organismal biology course. This course taught me all about the different kingdoms and phyla of organisms and comparisons between the different groups of organisms. The theme for the fall 2012 student websites was spooky. At first, many spooky organisms sounded fun to make a website about (e.g. bats, spiders, werewolves, etc.), but I wanted to be more unique and creative in my choice. I had just learned about Xylaria polymorpha through Dr. Volk's fungus of the month website; therefore I decided to choose dead man's fingers as my unique spooky organism. Since most fungi are under studied compared to animals, this project entailed extensive research and piecing together of information. I have a much greater appreciation for fungi now and am even taking a medical mycology course this next semester.

If you have any questions or comments about the website, want to talk about life, or for whatever reason you would like to contact me, feel free to email me at To find out more about the what's happening at UWL visit

Also, please visit to find links to all the student websites that have been made over the years by UWL organismal biology students. You will enjoy learning about the fascinating organisms of our beautiful planet.


Last updated December 3, 2012