Interactions With Other Species

Interactions with other fossas                                                                                           Primarily, the fossa is known to be a solitary animal (Hawkins 2009). During their mating season is typically the only time this species is spotted together (you can read more about reproduction in this species here). Other than mating, there have been rare occasions in which fossas have been spotted hunting together. Mia-Lana Luhrs, a PhD student from University of Gottingen, had the opportunity to experience three male fossa hunting together (Hance 2011). They were hunting down a Sifaka and it took them around 45 minutes to finally capture their prey. Luhrs believes that since Madgascar used to be abundant with much larger lemurs, which is fossas typical prey, that this behavior of hunting together probably evolved from those times. Since the lemurs were larger, it would take more fossas to take them down and kill them (Luhrs 2011). Nowadays, however, hunting together seems to be more trouble than its worth. There have been very few instances where the fossa been spotted hunting together, though.Female fossas investigating one another

Interactions with other animals                                                                                                Male Fossa Feeding

The only time that fossas are known to interact with other animals is when they are hunting them. Depending on the fossa's location, lemurs make up over half of their diet. The rest of their food comes from other small mammals, birds and reptiles that are native to Madgascar. If they are in mountainous regions, they consume far less lemurs and rely more on smaller mammals to supply their diet(Garbutt 2003).




Image credit: Nick Garbutt and Pete Oxford at

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