Equus burchelli (Plains Zebra) -BIO203
Contact Us
My name is Alayna Husom and I am from Ridgeway, WI. I
am a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse seeking
a biology degree with a biomedical concentration. My
partner and I created this webpage for our Organismal Biology,
Bio 203, class under the instructions of Dr. Perez. I researched
the pages covering information on the nutrition/habitat and reproductive habits of the
Zebra. I personally choose the Plains Zebra as the
organism of study because I enjoy spending my free time
horseback riding and was eager to learn about the horse’s close
relative the Plains Zebra. I hope you found this site enjoyable
and informative, feel free to contact me anytime with questions.
E-mail: husom.alay@uwlax.edu
My name is Jed Dallas; I am currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse studying to be biology major. I was in charge of the social structure/interactions and form and function for the plains zebra. I really enjoyed learning about this animal and if you have any questions about the plains zebra while looking at the page contact me at dallas.jede@uwlax.edu. I hope you enjoy.