Now you know Pyrocystis fusiformis...Want to get to know us better?

Taken by Danielle SchiroName: Danielle J Schiro
Major: Biology with emphasis Pre Physical Therapy
Class: Sophomore at UW La Crosse in Organismal Biology 203, Fall 2013
Favorite thing about La Crosse: Running in the Bluffs
Favorite thing about Pyrocystis fusiformis: They are bioluminescent when they are aggravated, I wish I could have the same trait!
Pages Completed: Habitat and Geography and Life History/Reproduction

Permission by Rachel EignerName: Rachel Eigner
Major: Biology
Minor: Chemistry
Class: Sophomore at UW-L in Organismal Biology 203, Fall 2013
Favorite thing about La Crosse: Reading in Riverside Park, Swimming at Pettibone Beach
Favorite thing about Pyrocystis fusiformis: They are both photosynthetic and heterotrophic.
Pages completed: Form and Function, Interactions with Other Species

Taken by Danielle Schiro
Leaving Organismal Biology lab to work on our webpage!!

This website was created as a project for the Organimsal Biology class at UW-L in Fall 2013.


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