
Domain: Eukarya
Aleochara bilineata belongs to the kingdom Eukarya because it is a multicellular organism, and its cells contain a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. The domain Eukaryote makes up one of the three domains of life. The other domains are Bacteria and Achaea. Check out and compare other organisms from the Eukarya domain, which includes everything from fungi, to plants, to animals.

Phylogenetic tree of major domains and clades with emphasis on opisthokonta

Kingdom: Animalia
A. bilineata belongs to the kingdom Animalia because they are heterotrophic animals, lack cell walls, and they are motile at some point of their life cycle. Also, most Animalia organisms contain muscles and have specialized tissues. There is a variety of species that fall under this kingdom, ranging from slithering snakes to cuddly otters.           

Phylum: Arthropoda
A. bilineata belong to the phylum Arthropoda because they have a segmented exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and are bilaterally symmetrical. The segmented bodies of the arthropods contain three regions; head, thorax, and abdomen. Their exoskeletons are made from a non-living material, chitin. Because chitin doesn’t grow with the organism, they must undergo ecdysis (or “molting”) which requires them to shed their chitinous exoskeleton upon the formation of a new one (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2013, John Meyer 2009). Some awesome (and might I add creepy-crawly) examples of arthropods include; dragonflies, caterpillars, and centipedes.
        Phylogenetic tree of the animalia kingdom                      Picture of various Arthropoda species

Class: Insecta
A. bilineata belong to the class Insecta. Insects can be classified as three pairs of legs, a segmented body, compound eyes, and one pair on antennae. Insects are the only know invertebrates capable of flight. Insects are also known to be the most diverse group of animals. They represent a large portion of the Animalia kingdom (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2013, John Meyer 2009). Check out this page of another neat insect; the ant!

Order: Coleoptera
A. bilineata belongs to the order Coleoptera, commonly called beetles. Coleoptera is the largest order in the class Insecta. Most beetles have two pairs of wings. The front pair, elytra, are hard and thick, forming a sheath-like shield to protect the bottom pair. At rest the elytra meet in the middle of the back, which forms the distinct straight line most would recognize as characteristic to beetles (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2013, John Meyer 2009). Click here for another great example of a beetle in the Coleoptera order!
        Adult black Tachyporinae beetleAdult black Scaphidiinae beetleAdult black Proteininae beetleAdult black Staphylininae beetle
Family: Staphylinidae
A. bilineata belongs to the Staphylinidae family. This family is characterized by its short elytra (hard wing coverings) which exposes several abdominal sections. Staphylinidae are also known to feed on decaying mammals. Their mandibles are sharp and long and allow them to do so, as well as feed on insects and maggots (John Meyer 2009).

Genus: Aleochara
A. bilineata belongs to the Aleochara genus. Aleochara are known to be the only parasites in the Staphylinidae family. They can be found worldwide and consists of more than four-hundred species. Within these environments, Aleochara are commonly found in or near organic matter. This being said, little is known about the phylogenetic relationships between the species within the genus (The Global Biodiversity Information Facility 2013).
                    Picture of an Aleochara kenyasinuosa
Species: Aleochara bilineata
The Aleochara bilineata species is characterized by its ability to be a biological control agent. When certain insects invade crops of farmers, the A. bilineata feeds on the pupa and virtually diminishes the pest population (Broatch et al. 2010). See the interactions page for more details on this topic.

For Further Classification:
Most information on this page was compiled from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility webpage and Dr. John Meyer's page for General Entomology. Click on the hyperlinks to veiw their pages!
For further information on the classification of any species check out the Tree of Life Web Project website.

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