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•  Predatory:

The red-eyed tree frog is considered a predator because it hunts for food and preys on other animals.

•  Commensal:

The red-eyed tree frog gets a commensal interaction from laying its eggs on the leaves of plants that overhang the pond. The leaves of the tree are in no way harmed, but the tree frog gets a place to lay its offspring that is convenient to them.

What eats a red-eyed tree frog?

•  Tadpoles

The eggs and tadpoles of the red-eyed tree frog are sometimes preyed upon by snakes, diving beetles, other tadpoles, wading birds, fish and sometimes other frogs as well.

•  Adult tree frogs

Adult red-eyed tree frogs are often eaten by snakes, bats, owls, toucans, young alligators and tarantulas.

Food Web

•  Tadpole

Tadpoles are considered primary consumers when they are young, feeding mainly upon algae and then considered secondary consumers as they get larger and start to feed on small insects.

•  Adult tree frog

Adult red-eyed tree frogs are considered secondary or tertiary consumers because they feed on small invertebrates.