Most hunting is done at night on ground. Jaguars either stalk or ambush their prey. Due to their build of muscle, Jaguars are able to drag dead carcasses 3-4 times its own body weight distances up to a kilometer in order to get it to a sheltered spot. Depending on availability, its food source consists of: armadillos, pacas, capybaras, deer, peccaries, tamanduas, coatis, turtles, iguanas, some birds, and even fish. Small prey are killed by a smack of the forepaw, while large prey are killed with bites on the neck or head which crush the spinal cord or break the skull. Although Jaguars tend to be solitary, adults sometimes will travel and hunt in pairs, usually breeding pairs, but sometimes two male and two females.

(Field Guide to the Mammals of Central America and Southeast Mexico)
(Walker's Mammals of the World)






The approach before the kill is where you see the skill of this beast. As soon as the prey is spotted it crouches down. Once crouched down it runs fast toward the prey stopping at 2-5 meters depending on surrounding cover. It then takes up the watching position, the whole body lies flat to the ground, forelegs drawn up at a sharp angle, the sole of each hind paw lies flat on the ground, and the tail is either straight back or curled around the body. If they are still too far away, they can start a "stalking run" a very slow and cautious stalking, until within attacking distance. Then with hind legs moving gradually farther back, heels lifted off the ground, begin rocking, and finally they SPRING.

(Cat Behavior)

History and Reproduction
Interactions with Other Species
Interesting Facts

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In the jungle, the mighty jungle the jaguar stalks at night... ahhh weeeee watch your buuummm...