Turtle soup!

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Of course this page is not about eating snapping turtles rather it is about what snapping turtles eat. The studies show that Chelydra serpentina are omnivores by nature. The stomach of the common snapping turtle has numerous enzymes that allows the turtle to digest and absorb nutrients that come from eating plants. Often times Chelydra serpentina may turn to vegetarianism if the amount of prey goes down and they can not find any animals to eat. Although plants make up a large part of some turtles diets, the majority of this turtles diet is meat. Chelydra serpentina eats a variety of organisms including invertebrates and vertebrates. For invertebrates the snapping turtles eat a variety of insects, snails, and crayfish. Juvenile turtles have most of their diet consisting of insects and insect larvae. As for vertebrates adult Chelydra serpentina have been known to diet on amphibians and fish along with other animals. Some of these other animals include mammals, reptiles and even birds. Young birds can be very easy prey when swimming on top of the water.

Found on http://www.bnl.gov/esd/reserve/turtles.htm

As for hunting style, the common snapping turtle is usually an ambush type of hunter. Because these turtles are so large it takes a lot of energy to constantly keep on moving and chasing its prey they prefer to just sit and wait until their prey crosses their path. This is why these turtles prefer bodies of water that have low visibility. The prey won't be able to see Chelydra serpentina and the turtle will be able to sense the prey. Some turtles have been known to bury themselves in mud in order to hide from prey.
