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Hi, I'm Chelydra serpentina or as you might know me as The Common Snapping Turtle.

On this page you will be able to find out some random information on my life.

Identification: Chelydra serpentina can be identified by numerous physical features. One of the foremost features is the hook like jaw that this species of turtle has. These snapping turtles also have a very long tail when compared to other turtles. The carapace of Chelydra serpentina is quite large and has a lot of rigid projections coming out of it. The carapace is basically the dorsal shell of the turtle. The plastron or the ventral part of the shell is narrow and kind of cross shaped. This leaves a vulnerable spot for the turtle since a lot of the fleshy under parts open to predators. The easiest way to identify these turtles is by their large size. These turtles can grow to a size from anywhere around 20 centimeters to 45 centimeters. That is roughly eight to eighteen inches. This makes Chelydra serpentina one of the larger freshwater turtles.

Behavioral issues: Chelydra serpentina is typically a very aggressive organism. This is especially true when they are out of water however in water they are more docile. With a modification of the jaws, adding a piercing hook on both the upper and lower jaws, Chelydra serpentina can easily tear through flesh of anyone that has made it angry or is attacking the turtle. These turtles have been known to rip off fingers or toes when it felt hostile so do not come to close if you see it in the wild. Because of their immense jaw strength, these turtles will not usually let go of whatever it has a hold of until it feel safe. Also because of its disgruntled attitude these turtles do not make good pets. When these turtles are young they have many different kinds of prey including birds, large fish, some mammals and other reptiles but as adults these turtles have very few prey.

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Staying warm: Chelydra serpentina is a reptile that follows the trend that most reptiles do in regards that it is ectothermic. Since these turtles often call temperate climates home the winter months can cause big problems. The common snapping turtle can in fact migrate but only short distances so it can not migrate to a new warm climate once it starts to get cold. So the only way to get through the winter months is to hibernate. Chelydra serpentina often buries itself in mud on shores or in banks of the body of water. The mud allows the turtle to save some heat and because it is hibernating the turtle's metabolic rate decreases saving the turtle some energy.
