
Kingdom: Bacteria

Phylum: Firmicutes

Class: Mollicutes

Order: Mycoplasmatales

Family: Mycoplasmataceae

Genus: Mycoplasma

Species: Mycoplasma bovis

Kingdom Bacteria: Mycoplasma bovis is classified as a bacteria primarily because it lacks a true nucleus and is prokaryotic, meaning it is comprised of only a single cell. Another key attribute of bacteria, cell walls, is completely missing from Mycoplasma bovis.

Phylum Firmicutes: Organisms classified under this phylum contain a gram positive cell wall. The phylum Firmicutes has the most expansive range organisms under bacteria (Ramel 2008). This phylum is usually further broke down to high gram positive bacteria and low gram positive bacteria (Ramel 2008). As you will see Mycoplasma bovis lacks a cell wall (a structure found in all bacteria) where peptidoglycan, a key component of gram positive bacteria, is found. Peptidoglycan can be found on the outer layers of membrane surrounding Mycoplasma bovis.   


Class Mollicutes: Organisms classified under this class are bacteria that lack a cell wall. The literal meaning of "Mollicute" is soft skin describing the lack of a cell wall these organisms exhibit (Cree 2002). Also organisms, like Mycoplasma bovis, that fit under this class tend to be small when compared to other bacteria.


Order Mycoplasmatales:  All organisms classified under this order lack true cell walls and are instead comprised of a three layered membrane. This order is usually associated with the family of Mycoplasmataceae.


Family Mycoplasmataceae: small organisms that are gram negative, nonmotile, and pleomorphic (many different shapes) in form.


Genus Mycoplasma:  bacteria that are parasitic in nature, can survive without oxygen, and also lack a cell wall.


Species Mycoplasma bovis: a small bacteria that lacks a cell wall, is non-motile, and is parasitic to all forms of bovine animals (cattle).

*All information, unless noted, was found on**

Cow-Microsoft Clip Art
Created By: Garrett Blumer
University of Wisconsin- La Crosse
Page Last Updated: April 25, 2008