My name is Jeremy Knoble and I'm currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. I am majoring in Biology with a biomedical science concentration with hopes of one day becoming a doctor and specializing in orthopedics and sports medicine. In my free time I love to play basketball, spend time with friends, read, and just enjoy the college atmosphere. I was given the opportunity to make this web page through an assignment  in organismal biology. The requirements of this assignment consisted of choosing an organism of interest, researching that organism, and publishing a webpage on it. I chose the margay because I've always had a fascination with rainforest cats, but didn't want to choose a cat that I was familiar with. I wanted to research and

Jeremy Knoble(right)
Me on the right with two of my closest friends friends growing up. photo taken by Jeremy Knoble.

learn something I had never heard of before, and in doing so, discovered the margay. I hope you found my website helpful and easy to use. If you have any questions or suggestions  feel free to contact me with the link at the top of the page. I would like to give special thanks to Nancy Vandermey, a volunteer at the Exotic Feline Breeding Compound who is working to save over 70 species of endangered felines. Without her time and dedication to the margay, the pictures and much of the information within this site would not have been possible. If you would like to make a contribution or donation to help save the margay, please visit to learn how.