
Domain – Eukarya

  Kingdom – AnimaliaBandit Angelfish - Photo by John Hoover

    Subkingdom – Bilateria

      Branch – Deuterostomia

        Phylum – Chordata

        Class – Actinopterygii

          Order – Perciformes

            Family – Pomacanthidae


                Species Apolemichthys arcuatus


Domain Eukarya because it has membrane bound organelles, most importantly, a nucleus.

Kindom Animalia because it is heterotrophic, multicellular, motile at some point of development and lacks cell walls.

Subkingdom Bilateria because it has bilateral symmetry allowing for cephalization.

Branch Deuterostomia because the radial cleavage created in the morula stage of development, the resulting anus from the blastopore, and the way the mesoderm forms during development of the coelom.

Phylum Chordata because of the presence of a notochord, dorsal nerve tube, pharyngeal pouches, post anal tail, and endostyle (precursor to the thyroid gland) at some point in development.

Class Actinopterygii because it is a ray-finned fish that has horny spines (rays) encased by webs of skin (fins).

Order Perciformes because it is a perch-like fish.  This class often has pelvic fins positioned by the throat or belly which have one spine and up to five soft rays, as well as dorsal and anal fins.  These dorsal fins are often a separated in two different  regions separated by the type of ray they are.

Family Pomacanthidae because it is a marine angelfish with vibrant colors and often found around shallow reefs.

Genus Apolemichthys because the fish in this genus all have a similar body style with a very similar number of dorsal spines, anal spines, dorsal soft rays, and anal soft rays.

Apolemichthys arcuatus describes a marine angelfish that is reef associated and has a unique body style with an arching black band from its anterior end to its posterior end.

Phylogenetic Tree Starting at Family Level - Created by Me

This Phylogenetic Tree begins in the level of Family in the order of classification.  Each branch is created from a distinctive trait that separates each level from each other.  The middle of this tree highlights the bandit angelfish's path throughout tree with respect to each level of classification.

The first branch in the tree between the Family and Genus level is created to show each Genus of Marine Angelfish.  Each Genus has a branch that breaks off of it to show the Species level, however, the branches are not shown because of the focus solely on the bandit angelfish.  As for the second branch between the levels of Genus and Species, it describes the break from a specific Genus, Apolemichthys in this case, due to the distinguishable traits each fish species has.  This was previously discussed directly above the Phylogenetic Tree under the title Apolemichthys arcuatus.

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