About Me
Hello! My name is Nicole Johnson. I'm currently a Freshman at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. My major is Biology, with a biomedical concentration. After completing my major I plan to attend graduate school for Physical Therapy. My heart and mind have always been set on a career in the medical field. At a very young age, I had to have stitches in my leg and I merely sat and watched while they sewed up the gouge in my leg. Ever since then, I knew this was the path I would take.
Besides the medical field, I have interests in most sports (especially volleyball and hurdles), astronomy, music (listening to & playing the bass clarinet), snowmobiling, and the outdoors. I grew up in the outskirts of a small town in NE Wisconsin, and I couldn't of enjoyed it more. It is definitely different being so far away from home and in a much larger city, but I take the change and make the best out of it. La Crosse is amazing, and I am enjoying every day here!!
I'd like to thank my family and friends for helping me get this far in my life. I especially would like to thank my one and only brother, Nathan, for all that he has done for me. I couldn't have done it without you!
If you have any comments or concerns you may contact me at johnson.nic4@students.uwlax.edu
Thank you for visiting!!!