Western Australian Christmas Tree
(Nuytsia floribunda)
How Does Nuytsia floribunda Reproduce?
Nuytsia floribunda reproduces through its fluorescent hermaphroditic flowers. These monoecious flowers contain both stamens, which are the male organs of the flower that release the pollens grains out of the microsporangia, and pistils, the female organ or ovule of the flower that when fertilized with pollen turns into a seeded fruit. The Western Australian Christmas Tree after pollination produces a winged samara-like fruit. On top of the fruit a calyculus is often persistent and a mucus layer forms outside the vascular bundles enveloping the seed (SIUC, 2009). Since the fruit is winged, it is believed that once it is released from the tree it is wind dispersed quite some distance before it hits the ground.
With Itself!
Since the flower is hermaphroditic it can self pollinate itself, therefore the tree can stand alone and reproduce to produce more Nuytsia floribunda. Also, the bright yellow-orange flowers of the tree attract insects to help transfer the pollen in order to pollinate itself.