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Campos, Andres, Michael P. Cummings, Jose L. Reyes, and Juan P. Laclette.                  1998.  Phylogenetic Relationships of Platyhelminthes Based on 18S              Ribosomal Gene Sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.              10: 1-10.


Gordon Nash, Geelong. 2008. Beef Measles. Agricultural Notes.  State of              Victoria, Department of Primary Industries. AG0803.


Heymann, David L.  2008.  Control of Communicable Diseases Manual.  19th              Edition.  American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, USA.


Hoberg, Eric P, Nancy L Alkire, Alan de Queiroz, and Arlene Jones.  2001.  Out              of Africa: origins of the Taenia tapeworms in humans.  The Royal              Society. 268(1469):781-787.


Irizarry, Lisandro and Patricia Phan. 2007. Tapeworm Infestation. eMedicine.             <URL:>.

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Moreno, Silvia N.J.  2008. Cestodes (Tapeworms). Medical Parasitology.          University of Georgia.                                                                     <>           Accessed 16 March 2009.


Smith, Dr. Scott.  2004.  Taeniasis.   <URL:> Accessed 14 March 2009. 


Strickland, Thomas G.  2000.  Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging               Infectious Diseases.  Eighth Edition.  W. B. Saunders Company,               Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.


A special thanks to everyone who made this possible, especially for the visuals of this website.  Thank you to the following websites and people that have allowed me to use their photos. 


Especially BioKore and we.peyton from flicker letting me use their pictures for the use of education.


And other sources:


