BIO 203
The purple passion fruit blooms in spring/early summer and again in the fall. The yellow passion fruit flower blooms from April to September and yields fruit from June to October. Fruit production begins in the plant's second year. Yellow passion fruit flowers are hermaphroditic (contain both male and female parts) but are self sterile. Carpenter bees, other insects, and hummingbirds are responsible for pollination in the yellow form, whereas the purple passion fruit can self-pollinate (US Department of Agriculture).
Seeds are disbursed by humans, animals, birds, and vines of the fruit.As mentioned earlier in the Classification section, passion fruit has a dominant diploid (2n) sporophyte phase in its life cycle. To the left is a visual of how this life cycle works.
Let's move on to the interactions that passion fruit has with other organisms!
If you're interested in the reproductive lifestyle of different organisms, check out the Hirudo medicinalis or go to for tons more!