

You might think that pineapples are just plants and don’t interact with others much (except for certain rectangular shaped sponges under the sea), however there are many interactions that occur between pineapples and many other species.

Mealy bugs:

Dysmicoccus brevipes and Dysmicococcus neobrevipes are up to no good when found around pineapple plants. They cause the disease mealy bug wilt and is transmitted by virus or a phototoxin from the bugs. Plants that are affected by the mealy bugs are stunted and turn yellow then red (these are also symptoms of drought). (5)

Phytophthora cinammomi and Phytophthora parasitica:

These water molds cause severe root and heart rot in the pineapple plant. They are often found in areas that have poorly drained soil, high rainfall and soil with a pH of 5.5. (5)


When pineapple is grown on the same land for a long time, nematodes can become a problem for pineapple plant growth. The nematodes feed on the roots of the plant, and can cause 1/3 of the crop to be lost. (5)


Many in sects can help or hurt the plant. Helping the plant are pineapple beetles and honeybees are used for pollination. Some insects that can hurt the plant are the black maize beetle, white grub, ants, thrips, and many more. These all affect various parts of the plant including the roots, stems, leaves, fruit, and flower. (5)


Most of us have at least seen a pineapple fruit and many have tasted it. It is very common a nd quite delicious if I do say so myself. They are very good for us too. Pineapples are an excellent source of Vitamin C, which helps improve the immune system in individuals who consume it. It is best to consume fresh pineapple as opposed to canned, for canned reduces the amount of Vitamin C by three times. Fresh pineapple also contains an abundance of Manganese, which helps strengthen bones. Pineapples also contain the digestive enzyme bromelian, which is an anti-inflammatory that encourages healing for injuries. (6)


Pineapple farming has its economic advantages in Costa Rica, it also can cause many environmental problems. Environmentally, if not done properly, pineapple farming can cause soil deterioration, erosion, deforestation, and can contaminate water supplies. Even with these problems, producers work hard to earn the Rainforest Alliance Certified TM seal, which shows that they make an effort to farm sustainably and meets the Sustainable Agricultural Network (SAN) standards. For smaller pineapple farms, there is an incentive program that helps them financially if they farm sustainably. So as long is pineapples are grown properly, they can be a very sustainable food source. (8)

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