"Here Comes the Sun"
Since saffron is from the Kingdom Plantae, its method of eating and obtaining nutrients is through the process of photosynthesis. This process is a possibility due to the plant containing organelles (structures inside its cells) called chloroplasts. These structures are green colored, which give the plants its green color throughout its stem and leaves, because of the pigment it contains called chlorophyll.
The process of photosynthesis occurs by the organism taking in water from the soil through its roots and up through its xylem. In addition it uses carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, which it takes in through the plant's tiny structures present on its leaves called stomata. These features are like tiny holes that can open and close to release excess water and oxygen, and take in more carbon dioxide.
Once the plant has all three needed "ingredients" (water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight), it can carry out photosynthesis in the chloroplasts and produce oxygen (O2) and glucose sugar for food (C6H12O6). Then the plant transports the sugar it made through photosynthesis throughout the plant via moving and up and down the vascular tissue called phloem.
Therefore we help aid the plant in acquiring its nutrients by breathing out/exhaling carbon dioxide which the plant uses, and the plant aids us by producing oxygen, which is crucial for us to stay alive as well. To read more about these and other types of interactions, go to Interactions.
Continue to Reproduction to learn about how this organism is grown and reproduces.
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