

 Domain: Eukarya

Nutmeg belongs in the domain Eukarya, "eu" meaning "true" and "karya" meaning "nucleus." Nutmeg is classified as a Eukaryote because its cells possess true nuclei and membrane-bound organelles which distinguishes it from prokaryotes that lack a true nuclei and membrane-bound organelles. Nearly all eukaryotes are multi-cellular which allows the organisms to posses specialized cells for specific functions. An example of a specialized cell in nutmeg is chlorophyll.

This domain also includes other plants such as Poison Ivy, animals such as the Passenger Pigeon, and fungi such as the Cow Patty Mushroom.

Kingdom: Plantae

This kingdom consists of all green plants, including green algae. The kingdom Plantae falls under the supergroup Archeplastida. Organisms in this kingdom contain cellulose as the main structural component of their cell walls, and chloroplast that allow the organisms to undergo photosynthesis. To learn more about photosynthesis and how nutmeg generates food, click here. Other organisms that undergo photosynthesis include the White Willow and the Broad-Leafed Peppermint Gum.

Phylum (division): Tracheophyta {"trachia" meaning windpipe, "phyta" meaning plant}

This division of the Plantae Kingdom involves vascular, or breathing, plants. As the name suggests, the organisms in this phylum are green plants that contain vascular systems.

Class: Magnoliopsida

Nutmeg is classified as Magnoliopsida because it is a Dicot containing two embryonic cotyledons that supply food to the embryo prior to germination. The leaves of organisms in this class possess a net-like vein structure. For information regarding these terms, click here.

Order: Magnoliales

The order Magnoliales means "flowering plants." The order includes six families including Myristicaceae (several hundred species that include nutmeg).

Family: Myristicaceae

The family Myristicaceae is often times referred to as the "nutmeg family" because it's the family in which nutmeg is classified. This family also includes several hundred other trees and shrubs found in tropical areas.

Genus: Myristica

This genus contains organisms that are Asian trees,  possessing white/yellow flowers and fleshy fruits which relate almost specifically to nutmeg.

Species: fragrans

in Latin means "fragrance." The nutmeg species received the species title of "fragrans" due to its use as a perfume or incense. Although mostly thought of as used in cooking, nutmeg is still widely used as a "sweet-scent," thought desirable for perfumes and/or incense. 

Scientific Name: Myristica fragrans. If you would like to learn about scientific names, click here



The trees above were created by me to show Myristica fragrans closest relatives based on a cladistic basis.

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