All About Me!

 My name is Ava Lindert, I'm currently a junior at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse pursuing a major in Biology with a concentration in Biomedical Science, as well as a minor in Chemistry. My career goal is to be a dentist and work in public health someday. Science has always been a passion of mine, as well as helping people.


Outside of the classroom and the library I enjoy spending time with my friends, family, and dog, Oliver. I love fresh air and going for walks. I also enjoy reading and volunteering at the local Humane Society. I'm a big advocate for adopting shelter animals, like Oliver, who are very loving animals in need of a stable home. If you're interested in this too check out this great website,


I chose to research avocados because they are one of my favorite foods, and they are also not a very commonly bought food, especially in Wisconsin. It was very interesting for me to learn the background of avocados and the amount of avocados consumed in the United States, as well as some yummy new recipes!


I would like to say thank you to the staff at WINGS for all the assistance they gave me in the production of my webpage. I would also like to thank Avocados From Mexico and Paco Higareda for allowing me to use their amazing photographs throughout my entire webpage.


Before you leave, swing by the references page to see where I found all this great information. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at I would love to hear your comments. Also be sure to check out some of my classmates website at

Thank you for visiting!