Credit to Stewart Macdonald


Domain- Eukarya

    Kingdom- Animalia

        Phylum- Chordata

            Class- Reptilia

              Order- Squamata

Family- Elapidae

                   Genus- Pseudonaja

                       Species- Pseudonoja textilis

Eukarya: This means the organism’s cells have membrane bound organelles such as a nucleus and mitochondria.

Animalia: This is distinguished by the lack of a cell wall, and organisms are heterotrophic which means they consume other organisms to get energy.  

Chordata: Members of the phylum Chordata are distigushed by a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, and are deuterostomes.  

Reptilia: The members of this class are all cold-blooded and have amniotic eggs. These organisms also have scales (lizards and snakes) or scutes (turtles and alligators, etc.) that are high in keratin to protect the organism and also prevent water from exiting the body as easily.

Squamata: The members of this order include snakes and lizards. The meaning of squamata is scaled reptiles.

Elapidae: This class includes all poisonous snakes both tropical and sub-tropical. These snakes all have 2 fangs in which venom is injected in to the victim. Other genera include Aspidelaps, Dendroaspis, Boulengerina, Elapsoidea, Naja, Paranaja, Hemachatus, Ophiophagus and Walterinnesia.

Pseudonaja: This family is native to Australia and includes many other venomous brown snakes. Pseudonaja literally means "Fake Cobra".

Pseudonoja textilis: Eastern Brown Snake, it gets its name because the snake inhabits the eastern part of Australia and the snake is most commonly brown in color. The meaning of textilis is "woven" so in tern Pseudonaja textilis means "Fake Cobra Woven".Phylogenetic Tree 1Phylogenetic tree for Elapids

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