should know this already if you read the
homepage... but
Plumeria rubra is the flower that is used to make Hawaiian leis!
2. Plumeria rubra are not native to Hawaii, yet are
often associated with Hawaii because of their use in
the lei.
Interested about Hawaiian culture and history? Click
here to explore more about the tradition of the Hawaiian
The Frangipani is, in fact, poisonous, but only if you eat an
entire flower will you begin to feel sick. Frangipani possesses
a milky sap which is mildly poisonous. Another
organism that is rarely recognized as poisonous is
daffodil, yet it is deadly if ingested. One more
example is the fungus
Gyromitra esculenta. You will not survive if you ingest this
false morel.
Plumeria rubra is a medicinal plant species
that has been used effectively to treat
Diabetes mellitus.
To read more about the experiments performed to test
the efficiency of Plumeria
rubra as a treatment, visit
Plumeria rubra is believed to serve many beneficial purposes such as treat
asthma, ease constipation, and soothe irritation. It is even
believed by some tribes in India to be a natural abortifacient.
While this is a controversial topic, the fact that tribes have
effectively used this method time and time again is captivating
in the world of biology. To read more about the tribal beliefs
and experimental uses of
P. rubra visit
6. In tropical locations, Frangipani may grow up to
30 to 40 feet tall, and just about half as wide
(exhibiting secondary growth)!
Additional outside links to reference for further interest or curiosity!
If you plan on going to Hawaii in the near future or just interested in the
Hawaiian flora, check out this short list of poisonous plants that you should
know about!
P. rubra
can be successfully grown in North America too! If you live in Southern
California or Florida, check out this website for resources about the best
conditions to grow this beautiful garden plant.
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