Oleander (Nerium oleander)

Call Me Jake!

My name is Jacob W. McGrath and I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse.  This website was created for my Organismal Biology course, where I have learned about the evolutionary history of organisms.  I chose this organism to study because I never knew much about plants before this course and I wanted to deeper my knowledge of these fascinating organisms.  Who would have guessed that I would have stumbled onto what I believe to be one of the most interesting plants in the world. 
Me on a bluff overlooking a lake at Governor Dodge State Park
In my personal life I love to go hiking at state parks such as Governor Dodge located in southern Wisconsin.  I also enjoy water skiing, tubing, and the occasional game of pick-up volleyball.  My favorite thing to eat is ice cream and my favorite flavor is cookie dough!

Email me at: mcgrath.jaco@uwlax.edu         Home