
Bloodroot is very common in most regions in North America.  In areas that were once clear cut  years ago, it was much more difficult for some plants like bloodroot to grow back.  This is because bloodroot relies on ants to help disperse the seeds.  Even though vegetation has grown back, humans still use most of this area.  Ants have a hard time transporting these seeds in places that were paved by humans and they also can't carry the seeds far.  Because of this, bloodroot now grows mainly in areas that are more isolated.

Since bloodroot grows early in the spring, conditions can change dramatically.  For instance, if the temperature is less than 8 degrees Celsius, the flowers do not open.  If there isn't enough sunlight due to clouds, there will be a delay in when the flowers open and close.  In bad weather and at night, the petals fold inward to protect the reproductive organs.  When it comes to adapting, the structure of bloodroot is very efficient.  The anthers and stigma of bloodroot are close enough together so that it is capable of cross-pollinating, incase it does not get pollinated by a bee.



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