About the Author:
HELLO! Thank you for visiting my page on Primula obconica. My name is Heather Willems, and I am a freshman at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. I am majoring in Cellular and Molecular Biology with a minor in Chemistry. I am not exactly sure where my future will take me, but I hope to work in the field of genetics. After graduating, I want to pursue my dreams of going to genetic counseling school. Other than spending my time working hard in school, I devote my time to the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Women's soccer team. Being a student-athlete keeps my schedule full. It is an amazing feeling to be classified in a category with other outstanding student athletes. In addition to soccer, I enjoy running, listening to music, laughing, and most importantly summer.
As part of my Organismal Biology class, each student had to create a web page about an organism that was venomous or poisonous. Since my mom's love for gardening got passed down to me, I chose the Poisonous Primrose. Throughout my research, I learned how fascinating Primula obconica is. I never thought such a beautiful flower could be so dangerous! I now understand the importance of becoming educated about plants, or any organism, before touching or eating them.
I hope you found my website to be educational and gained a new appreciation for this species. If you have any comments or questions about this web page, please feel free to contact me at willems.heat@uwlax.edu.
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