How is Phoenicopterus chilensis classified?

Eukarya. Organisms in this domain have all eukaryotic cells. This means that the cell(s) in these organisms contain a nucleus and membrane bound organelles. The name eukarya comes from eukaryotic cell of all organisms in this domain. Other eukarya include the Upside-down Jellyfish and the Popcorn Flower.

Animalia. In this kingdom, the organisms are multicellular. In general, animals are heterotrophs and obtain their energy from ingesting other organisms. Animals lack a cell wall, which allows for greater mobility. Animals also ingest and then digest their food sources. The majority of animals reproduce sexually and the diploid (2n) stage is dominant. In the case of the Chilean Flamingo, it does not act as an exception and contains the typical Animalia traits. The word Animalia refers to the word animals (Encyclopedia of Life 2011).
 To check out some other cool animals, be sure to look at the Walrus and the Red Milkweed Beetle!

Chordata. Organisms that are chordates all have bilateral symmetry to some degree (Cain et al. 2008). Chordates also have triploblasty (Cain et al. 2008). This means they have three different types of biological tissues (Cain et al. 2008). These tissues are ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. The ectoderm contains the outer covering of the animal and the central nervous system (Cain et al. 2008).  The endoderm contains the digestive system and is the innermost layer of tissue (Cain et al. 2008). The mesoderm is the middle layer that is the muscles, skeleton and circulatory system (Cain et al. 2008). Chordates also are deuterostomes. Deuterostomes are organisms which, in embryonic growth, the anus develops before the mouth (Cain et al. 2008). Another characteristic of the chordates is that they all have some sort of notochord. A notochord is a hollow nerve cord that is along the dorsal side of the animal (Cain et al. 2008). The chordates are named after this notochord (Cain et al. 2008). Some other examples of chordates are the Common dolphin and the Dusty Leaf Monkey!

Aves. Organisms that are in the class Aves, all have the defining synapomorphy of feathers (Cheasapeake College). These organisms, more well-known as birds, also have some other features that define most of this class. Their forelimbs are wings and they have keratin beaks (Cheasapeake College). Aves also have hollow and light weight bones, to help make flying easier (Cheasapeake College). Most birds in Aves have the ability to fly, including Phoenicopterus chilensis. In English, the word Aves means bird. The list of other forms of birds are endless, but two Aves that we found that were specifically interesting were the Harpy Eagle and the American Dipper.

Phoenicopteriformes. The order of Phoenicopteriformes
consists of wading water birds, which is also the English definition of the Latin root (Wildlife Junior Journal 2014, Oxford Dictionary 2014). They are all approximately three to five feet in height with long leg, necks and beaks (Wildlife Junior Journal 2014). These birds are usually pink, red or white in coloration. Also, these birds are filter feeders that generally eat algae and small crustaceans (Wildlife Junior Journal 2014). For more information regarding the order of Phoenicopterus chilensis, check out the Wildlife Junior Journal!

Phoenicopteridae. Phoenicopteridae consists of all known flamingo species. The organisms within Phoenicopteridae are bird that inhabit marine aquatic environments and breed in large colonies (Ferrari et al. 2014). When compared to other water birds, these birds have long life spans (Ferrari et al. 2014). They are capable of traveling very long distances. Sometimes, there is even great distances between their individual nesting and feeding sites (Caziani et al. 2007). 

. This genus includes three species of flamingos. This includes Phoenicopterus ruber (Caribbean Flamingo), Phoenicopterus roseus (Greater Flamingo), and Phoenicopterus chilensis (Chilean Flamingo). These birds have a few things in common; their bill morphology and the way the feed are very similar.

Phoenicopterus chilensis
As mentioned above in the previous category, Phoenicopterus means purple wing (Oxford Dictionary 2014). Chilensis means Chilean, which is strange because the majority of their populations don’t reside in Chile. One major distinction between the Chilean Flamingo and the other species of flamingos is their bill shape and length (Kravitz et al. 2002). On average, the bill of this flamingo is larger than the other flamingos. Their bill shape is banana-like, but faced downwards (Kravitz et al. 2002).

Swing over to the next page where you will see the geography and habitat that the Chilean Flamingo lives in!

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