
Chromodoris reticulata interacts differently with many species depending on whether or not it is a predator or prey.  Most sea slugs primarily center its diet on sponges and algae (Zhukova 2007).  Chromodoris reticulata consumes these organisms as an act of the circle of life.  Other than consuming its prey for its dietary needs, the slug takes advantage of its short interactions with its prey. In the cases of its prey, Chromodoris reticulata resembles it very well as an act of camouflage (Marin 1997).  With this unique ability, it usually is avoided by its predators which are not very well known and very slim (Rudman 1999).  Generally, Chromodoris reticulata lives in the sea and in most cases dies off when its food source is low (Yonow 1990) and can be found in pieces in fish and other slugs or aquatic organisms that live in the same oceanic regions such as the spotted porcelain crab, the cuttlefish, the Napolean Wrasse and different kinds of jellyfish like the Sea Wasp (Zhukova 2007).  In these coastal regions, sponges form a parasitic relationship with the exoskeletons of the corals they are attached to.  When Chromodoris reticulata consumes these sponges it benefits the coral community by diminishing a small amount of these sponges (Pantos 2010).  This symbiosis between all these organisms in this area of the ocean results in a swelling ecosystem of many kinds of organisms, eukaryotic and prokaryotic.  Chromodoris reticulata interacts through its reproduction with other Chromodoris nudibranches as well as the day to day bump-ins with the many diversified organisms of the intertidal regions of the ocean.

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