


Kingdom: Animalia Members of the kingdom Animalia are multicellular, eukaryotic, and heterotrophic. Organisms contain specialized cells, undergo sexual reproduction, and grow into a fixed skeletal structure. Another example of an organism in the kingdom animalia is the sea otter.


Phylum: Chordata Members of the phylum Chordata have bilateral symmetry and all possess pharyngeal slits, a notochord, and a post-anal tail during some portion of their development.

Another example of an organism in the phylum chordata would be the giraffe.


Class: Amphibia Members of the class Ampibia inhabit various terrestrial and aquatic environments. They have smooth, thin, and hairless skin covering a bone endoskeleton. Usually an Amphibian will lay its eggs in the water. Another example of an organism in the class amphibia would be the red-eyed tree frog.


Order: Caudata Members of the order Caudata are tailed amphibians more commonly known as salamanders and newts. Another example of an organism in the order caudata would be the Texas blind salamander.


Family: Plethodontidae Members of the family Plethodontidae are lungless salamanders.


Genus: Eurycea Members of the Genus Eurycea are salamanders native to North America.


Species: Eurycea tridentifera


Common name: Comal blind salamander




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