Male Calypte anna - used with permission from

Did you know?Male Calypte anna -

  • Hummingbirds were first discovered when Chritopher Columbus arrived in the America’s.  He described them as being “flybirds”, or as a cross between an insect and a bird (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology 2011). 
  • Calypte anna has a base body temperature of 107 degrees Fahrenheit.  When the air temperature falls, they can slow their breathing and heart rate to lower their body temperature to as low as 48 degrees Fahrenheit, entering a state called torpor.  Within a few minutes after the temperature warms, they can become active again (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology 2011). 
  •  Hummingbirds have such small legs that it is impossible for them to walk or hop, requiring them to engage in sustained hovering flight (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology 2011).
  • In recent years, Anna’s hummingbird has greatly expanded its breeding territory due to the increased planting of household gardens providing a food source in areas that otherwise would not normally be present (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology 2011).
  • Anna’s Hummingbird gets its common name from the prestigious daughter of a European general, Anna Messena.  She eventually married the second Duke of Rivoli, making her the Duchess of Rivoli (BioExpedition).
  • Anna’s hummingbird beats its wings about 50 times per second (National Wildlife Refuge).
  • Calypte anna females make a nest that is about the circumference of a half dollar and their eggs are similar in size to a small jellybean (National Wildlife Refuge). 

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