
In English, Delphinus delphis means short-beaked dolphin.


Domain- Eukarya

Kingdom- Animalia

Phylum- Chordata



Family- Delphinidae

Genus- Delphinus

Species- Delphinus delphis


Delphinus delphis was placed into the Eukarya domain because it has membrane bound organelles and a nucleus on the cellular level. Some examples of eukaryotes are plants like the miniature lupine, fungi like morels, and animals.  It was placed into the Animalia kingdom due to characteristics such as multi-cellularity, lacking rigid cell walls, and a body plan that has fixed growth. The common dolphin is also heterotrophic.  The Saharan silver desert ant is another example of a species in the Animalia kingdom. 


Due to the Delphinus delphis possessing a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve chord, and a tail it is placed into phylum Chordata. In the phylum Chordata there are a number of different organisms including frogs, sharks, and birds.  The class Mammalia is a specific group of organisms that differentiate from reptiles and birds because they have hair, mammary glands in females, and a neocortex which is a region of the brain.  Grizzly bears, wolves, and humans are a part of this Mammalia class.

The order Cetacea includes marine mammals commonly referred to as whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Cetacea stems from an ancient greek word meaning “whale” or “large sea animal.” A great example would be the blue whale.  The family Delphinidae consists of 36 species that are known as dolphins and orcas. Some distinguishing characteristics of this family are a streamlined shape and cone-shaped teeth.

The genus Delphinus consists of two species of common dolphins including the short beaked, and long beaked. There is also a possible third species in this genus called the Arabian common dolphin. Delphinus is characterized by an average size of 1.9 to 2.5 meters and an average weight of between 80 and 150 kilograms. Delphinus delphis is the species of the short nosed common dolphin. The only differentiating physical characteristic of this species is the shorter beak length.

To learn more about where this species of dolphins live go to Habitat .

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