

The Domestic ferret a member of the family Mustelidae has a lot in common with its wild cousin's when nutrition is concerned.  Although, the domestic ferret does not have to catch his own food it is still a strict carnivore, and needs a meat-based diet to survive (Dahm, 2000).  The ferret's body is not biologically designed to absorb or use the nutrients in plant fibers, so the right diet is key for a healthy ferret. It is best for domecticated ferrets to have a diet that closely realates to food eaten by their wild ancestors, like live or frozen whole prey such as day old chicks or baby mice (Introduction to ferret nutrition, 2011). Ferrets need a mininum of 32 percent protein in their diet, because they have a very short digestive tract that passes food from one end to the other in three to four hours.  In addition, ferrets need 20 to 30 percent of their diet to consist of fats to be used as their main energy source.  This is because of their poor digestion of fibers that they are not able to use carbohydrates for energy like most animals (Brown, 2014). 


If feeding dry food the ferret must have access to their food at all times because of how fast they digest their food.  Ferrets generally eat only when they are in need of calories, so one does not have to worry about the ferret over eating. Dry food for ferrets should consist of mostly protiens and fat, with very low carbs (The american ferret association Inc., 2014).  High protein diets require more water to be processed by an animals body than that of low portein diets.  Fresh, clean water should be made able at all times. 


Ferrets demonstrate olfactory imprinting, meaning that whatever they are exposed to for the first six months of their life is what they will recognize as food for the rest of their life (Hernadi, 2012).  Because of this imprinting in the first few months of their life a mix of kibble and meats should be used so they are accustomed to different flavors.  However, there are foods that ferrets should not eat these include; cereal, corn, rice, carbohydrates, bananas, vegetables, dairy products, and foods that consist of sugar.  This is due to the fact that these foods are loaded with carbohydrates and the ferrets digestive tract cannot process these types of foods.  The best treats for a domesticated ferret is treats that are meat-based like chicken, beef, or turkey babyfood, cooked chicken breast, and freeze-dried 100% meat products.  Table scraps or meat cured in salt like jerky are not acceptible treats for the domesticated ferret (The american ferret association Inc., 2014).  The nurtition of a domestic ferret doesn't have to be complicated, a quality high protein diet and plenty of water is all this species needs to survive.